Friday, December 07, 2012

7th day of Christmas

Jack said to Emily tonight, "I don't know why at school people think reading is work. Because, when you read a book, it's a whole story, and it's just great. If I'm bored, I can read, and, you know....." Then he kind of trailed off, because he couldn't quite express it.

Recently Jack had found a key ring, and asked me if he could have other ones. I looked at him, confused, and said, no, Jack, because we need them, we have keys on them. And he found one on a key that we weren't using and said, well, can I have this one? And I said, okay, I guess so. And he said, I need one more. And I could see he had them on a piece of paper with holes punched in one end, and I said, no Jack, I think two is enough to hold that up or whatever it is you're going for. And then he found another one, and I said, ok great. And then he disappeared.

A few minutes later he came back to show us what he had done. He had drawn pictures on three pieces of paper, and linked them together with the key rings. One had Santa on his sleigh. One had eight reindeer. And the last one had Rudolph, leading them all. It was this cool mural, connected by key rings.

What could I say? Well, Jack, you were right. I stand corrected. That is a much better use of key rings than hanging on hooks in our kitchen. That is really, really great.

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